Everyone has their favorite breakfast spot. Mine happens to be Skillets Sunrise Cafe. In fact, a weekend is not truly complete without at least one visit! Some of my best conversations with my girls, Steven and Laura have taken place within those wood-paneled walls. Whenever we have company in town...where do I take them for the best straweberry waffle in town? Skillets! Feeling blue and need a pick-me-up after a long and frustrating week at work? Skillets potatoes will return the smile to your face.
But, Skillets, isn't just my favorite...it's also my mother-in-law's. So, with tremendous regularity, we find ourselves sitting across from one another in our favorite cozy corner. Last weekend was no exception. The junior Smith family arrived ready to satisfy our appetites. The senior Smith family did the same. And, as usual, Paula came prepared with treats of her own...the consumate grandmother....new robes for the girls and a bag of meat for me!!!!! (She left Diane's at home!) Yet another reason why I love Skillets!!!