For just about four years now I have wanted to complete the Tour de Cure. Since the last big fund-raising ride I completed in Lake Tahoe (100 miles and $4,400!!!!) almost three years ago, I have had an enormous urge to ride for my dad.
As far back as I can remember my dad has had Type I diabetes. I remember being taught how to inject an orange with his insulin using a practice bottle filled with water...making certain that I employed the correct technique...carefully checking that there were no air bubbles in the syringe...purposefully puncturing the tough peel and delivering the required dosage.
I also remember feeling absolutely terrified that at some point I may actually be required to put this knowledge into practice and administer the life-saving medication to my dad.
I remember learning how to recognize both low and high blood sugars via his behavior and then remaining hypervigilant when he seemed in any way "out of sorts."
I remember conversations with my dad about his disease and how it would probably affect him and his body over time.
I remember him sharing with me that he probably would die much younger than other fathers.
And I remember having to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for him leaving me too soon.
I want to prevent someone else from similar memories. I want to make sure my dad outlives his predictions. I want to do my part to help find a cure for this difficult, horrible and chronic disease. just four short weeks, Steven, Alissa, Kinsey and I will be doing just that!
Together, Kinsey, Steven and I will be cycling together for sixty miles along Casperson Beach in Venice, Florida while Alissa volunteers at the sign-in tables.
Together, all four of us will be raising much needed money for a cause very near and dear to my heart.
And with my dad cheering us on, together, we will make some new memories.