Kinsey caught this shot at Lettuce Lake...check out the cool!
Don't you just love the way the vine represents renewal as it twists along the trunk of this clearly fire-damaged palm? Nature is incredible.
We were shocked to see the Roseate Spoonbills. They are hard to spot and you should consider yourself lucky if you actually have the opportunity to see them in the wild. This poor guy has suffered some sort of injury...such incredible birds!
Butterflies are so magical and delicate. Planting butterfly friendly plants is now on my "to-do" list. Kinsey just loves them and insisted I take this pic.
Putting just the right words to my feelings about our spectacular Earth and all of it's magnificence is a near impossiblity. So, I won't even try. I will let the pictures speak for me. Thanks, Momma Earth. Love Ya!