On Friday my girls, along with a collection of their much younger cousins, headed over to my mother-in-law Paula's for a little together time and fun. As is always her way, Paula was eagerly expecting the children's arrival and had prepped accordingly. She had dozens of hot dogs, a bucket (I'm not exaggerating) of tuna salad, piles of fresh fruit, homemade mac 'n cheese, and a double-batch of rice krispie treats along with several newly purchased toys (via QVC) for each of the kids.
After ensuring that each child was adequately stuffed, Paula successfully herded the children out to the pool deck for some outdoor fun. From our vantage point inside the house (the mommies were indoors working on a special digital scrapbooking project for gramps' ninetieth b-day), it was clear the kiddos were having an absolute blast...shooting Paula with the hose(that she provided)...playing with the myriad of floating and squirting pool toys...just generally goofing around together and causing a rucus.
After completing as much of the project as possible (Photoshop is tough!), the gals and I headed outside as well. When I stepped outside, Jenn and Heidi were already outdoors engaged in an animated conversation...seemingly oblivious to my mother-in-law and the kids. I literally burst out laughing when it dawned on me...Paula was in the pool with the kids...and she was fully clothed...I'm talking long sleeved shirt and black dress pants...like it was something she does every day...what's funnier to me is that Jenn and Heidi didn't even flinch when they saw her! Only Paula. Boy, do I love that woman!