During this magical and heart-warming season I must confess that there are moments in which I find myself feeling exhausted...even downright stressed! (Maybe I need to clarify that right now my home is essentially quarrantined as I have two young girls spiking fevers and leaving trails of puke behind and, of course, my husband is currently on call!!!!)
So, in order to make certain that I successfully alleviated these unwanted nudges from affecting my holiday cheer, I decided to take action. I thumbed through my favorite "stress reduction" book (thanks Stevie) and settled upon an idea that I immediately fell in love with. Thankfully, the suggestion was so simple. There is such beauty and freedom in simplicity! The words leapt at me as I savored their perfect conciseness..."READ A POEM EVERY DAY!"
I plucked the book (Falling Up) from its spot of safety on Alissa's bedroom shelf noticing the dust jacket had been removed and the pages were dog-eared and worn. This simple act of retrieving this obviously adored book, in and of itself, immediately reduced my anxiety.
I hope by sharing this little gem you will feel a child-like smile (along with some stress relief) take over your face! I sure did!
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first - it wet the bed.
by Shel Silverstein