kinsey prefers to fly under the radar. she doesn't like attention drawn to her when she does well on tests or assignments and reluctantly hands over her straight "A" filled report card only when it is demanded. she refuses to compete in swimming races because she doesn't want anyone to watch her. she absolutely detests if anyone witnesses a tear in the corner of her eye and quickly dries her baby blues when she thinks no one is watching. and the list goes on. but this past sunday...all eyes were on her. after setting off along the venice beach shoreline...pedaling furiously against the wicked winds the cold front brought us that morning...dodging the huge raindrops that pelted our faces and covered our skin in road dirt...she kept on. for thirty-five miles. over bridges with wind gusts over 25 miles per hour. with a fierce determination and not one whiney complaint. she is completely unreal. and i really, really love her.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
she is unreal...really.
kinsey prefers to fly under the radar. she doesn't like attention drawn to her when she does well on tests or assignments and reluctantly hands over her straight "A" filled report card only when it is demanded. she refuses to compete in swimming races because she doesn't want anyone to watch her. she absolutely detests if anyone witnesses a tear in the corner of her eye and quickly dries her baby blues when she thinks no one is watching. and the list goes on. but this past sunday...all eyes were on her. after setting off along the venice beach shoreline...pedaling furiously against the wicked winds the cold front brought us that morning...dodging the huge raindrops that pelted our faces and covered our skin in road dirt...she kept on. for thirty-five miles. over bridges with wind gusts over 25 miles per hour. with a fierce determination and not one whiney complaint. she is completely unreal. and i really, really love her.