There was huge period of time in which Kinsey would eat only three things. And I'm not exaggerating here. Of course, these three items were
not conducive to good physical health. As a result, I felt like I was failing her. I was sure her arteries would be clogged with cheese, salt and fat. What's more, I was convinced that somehow it was my fault. Maybe all of that feta cheese during my pregnancy had damaged her somehow!
So, for years, I bought every cookbook I could find that might allow me to prepare "kid-friendly", yet healthy dishes. I subscribed to Family Fun and attempted to get my finicky gal to expand her food selections. Steven and I were stunned when Kinsey refused to even try the
ants on a log so lovingly created just for her (she hates both chocolate and peanut butter...absolute staples to ANY normal child's diet!!!!)...and forget about her opinions on celery. Steven would spend countless hours making adorable little finger sandwiches using cookie cutters to make them more enticing...all to no avail. Time and time again, our efforts failed.
After these numerous failed food attempts, Steven became convinced that when she became hungry enough...she would eat the good stuff...the healthy stuff. She would start reaching for the stalks of broccoli, snap peas and carrot sticks....all on her own. Of course...
that simply didn't happen!
"Smother it all in cheese!" was my mother-in-law's suggestion. After dousing meal after meal in Velveeta, Kinsey simply didn't fall for it. She knew those carrots were only disguised and would lick the cheese off without nibbling the carrot itself.
After years of being worn down by her stubborn palate, we were frustrated, perplexed and worried! But, together, we settled on a new strategy...just try one new thing a day. And it stuck. (I'll be honest...there were some tears from time to time...especially with the zucchini!) Around this time we discovered another useful technique...bribery! I'm not ashamed to admit it either! We would order her pizza (obviously one of her three favorite foods!) from Aurelio's, and she was allowed to indulge after eating all of her greens.
Now, it's become a birthday tradition. And she even eats her salad now without being coerced...although we have to bring her special ginger dressing from Publix along with us!