While perusing my memory card for pictures to use in a project for Alissa's sweet sixteen, I stumbled across this one. Taken a few months ago at the National Honor Society induction, I remember the feelings that tugged at my heart that evening...gut-wrenching pride, unabashed wonder, and limitless love...just to quickly name a few. Putting into words the honor I feel being her mother and witnessing her growth into young womanhood conjures up within me such strong feelings that I often feel both raw and exposed. This love...it's mind-numbing. Somehow, this magical almost woman can express it far better than I. Here are a some carefully selected words from a poem she wrote me on mom's day...
"You are my anchor in this world
and in these rough and crazy seas.
Where hearts and hopes
go down like ships,
You keep me held onto my dreams."
She's simply beautiful...inside and out.