"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." ~Raymond Lindquist
Stepping off the bus on Friday evening, a diminuitive Spanish girl bravely strode through the throngs of Spanish, Russian, French and Chinese students, American parents and their anxious children, and placed two soft kisses on either side of my cheeks. Barely able to utter the words, "nice to meet you" in her thickly accented voice, her demeanor humbled me. Only sixteen years old and halfway around the world embarking on the adventure of a lifetime without the comfort and familiarity of her own parents to guide her, but, instead, surrounded by strangers...who speak a foreign tongue and follow customs so different from her own...our Liliana. Her courageous grin remained slightly subdued, but firmly placed...and I was astounded by her instantly. And I had just met her. Welcome...to our country, home and family, Liliana.