With their outrageously generous gift, Aunt Michele and Uncle Gil completely overwhelmed me beyond comprehension...and made one sixteen year old girl's world complete. And if that's not enough, Uncle Gil chided me for not contacting him more often with my fundraising requests! As I thanked them both again and again knowing that words couldn't truly encompass what I was trying to convey, they each stopped me mid-sentence and simply said (each independent of one another), "We're just so fortunate that we have it to give." Wow. There is a special place in my heart for these two...not for the stuff they give, but for the truly selfless and generous example they set.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”~Winston Churchill

With their outrageously generous gift, Aunt Michele and Uncle Gil completely overwhelmed me beyond comprehension...and made one sixteen year old girl's world complete. And if that's not enough, Uncle Gil chided me for not contacting him more often with my fundraising requests! As I thanked them both again and again knowing that words couldn't truly encompass what I was trying to convey, they each stopped me mid-sentence and simply said (each independent of one another), "We're just so fortunate that we have it to give." Wow. There is a special place in my heart for these two...not for the stuff they give, but for the truly selfless and generous example they set.
With their outrageously generous gift, Aunt Michele and Uncle Gil completely overwhelmed me beyond comprehension...and made one sixteen year old girl's world complete. And if that's not enough, Uncle Gil chided me for not contacting him more often with my fundraising requests! As I thanked them both again and again knowing that words couldn't truly encompass what I was trying to convey, they each stopped me mid-sentence and simply said (each independent of one another), "We're just so fortunate that we have it to give." Wow. There is a special place in my heart for these two...not for the stuff they give, but for the truly selfless and generous example they set.