Like after the miserable week you've just spent with a forty plus body that wouldn't function independently without a z-pac, several boxes of tissue and ridiculous amounts of rest. But, after spending seven long days headachy and exhausted I'm reminded good health and unlabored breathing are often unrecognized joys which should be celebrated.
Or when your oldest child exits her room early Sunday morning asking, "Mom, do you want to go to the beach so we can read the Bible together?" Suddenly, I'm reminded how much this girl inspires me and the gratitude I feel witnessing God's influence on this child's heart which, in turn, brings me closer to Him.
Or yet again after your daughter states quite plainly after walking past a beautiful and unexpected bouquet of white roses, "I hope that my husband brings me flowers, like Daddy does for you." And while the man I married can easily drive me to drink on any given day of the week, I'm reminded of his commitment and devotion to us, our marriage and family.
Or while your youngest child places her thirteen year old hand lightly across your thigh while watching one of her favorite shows together after a long day at school. I am reminded that regardless of how old she professes to be via her mascaraed lashes and flat-ironed hair, she is a little girl who still needs her mom to be close.
It doesn't take much. Just a brief moment. To know and be reminded.