So, when the boy who is important to her, in ways that I can never be, needs a few fans in the stands, I will be there. He's a part of her life, so he's a part of mine as well. Since his own family is unable to to watch him start each game while fulfilling his captain role, and my sweet, sweet girl recognizes how much it means to him to have someone in the stands rooting just for him...I will be there. With camera in hand, we sit side by side admiring his athletic abilities and giggle at the silly dances and faces...because every kid deserves a cheering section.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Because every kid deserves a cheering section.
When you are holding your new baby girl in your arms for that very first time, something indescribably magnificent occurs and your heart simply melts into a puddle inside your chest. You cannot even believe you are capable of a love so big. And immediately it becomes impossible to separate your own beating heart from that of your child's...her wishes, dreams and experiences somehow become your own...and you pray that her life's purposes are fulfilled.

So, when the boy who is important to her, in ways that I can never be, needs a few fans in the stands, I will be there. He's a part of her life, so he's a part of mine as well. Since his own family is unable to to watch him start each game while fulfilling his captain role, and my sweet, sweet girl recognizes how much it means to him to have someone in the stands rooting just for him...I will be there. With camera in hand, we sit side by side admiring his athletic abilities and giggle at the silly dances and faces...because every kid deserves a cheering section.
So, when the boy who is important to her, in ways that I can never be, needs a few fans in the stands, I will be there. He's a part of her life, so he's a part of mine as well. Since his own family is unable to to watch him start each game while fulfilling his captain role, and my sweet, sweet girl recognizes how much it means to him to have someone in the stands rooting just for him...I will be there. With camera in hand, we sit side by side admiring his athletic abilities and giggle at the silly dances and faces...because every kid deserves a cheering section.