whether you've been working on a piece of juicy gum ensuring it's the perfect texture so you can effortlessly stretch it and smooth it between your teeth and tongue...creating the most magnificent pink orb right before it pops. or whether you've been happily soaking in a sudsy tub filled to the brim, right up to the edge of the overflow drain, and the scented suds are tickling your nose begging you to collect a huge handful in your raisin-puckered fingers and just blow...somehow bubbles hold the promise of magic for me.
and true magic unfolded before my very eyes when...after an evening of putt-putt golf with my girls and a few of their bestest friends...alissa and kinsey discovered some "come back again" favors on the checkout ledge. and relished the simple joy of gently dipping those sticky little wands into their neon-colored plastic tubes...making certain they didn't lose their tenuous grasp as they carefully created those shimmering bulbous delights...again and again.
c'mon...who doesn't love bubbles?