It really didn't start out the way I envisioned it in my head. Quite the opposite in fact. I awoke to a silent house and started my typical routine....tidying the kitchen from the day before while weighing my options. Do I wake my family and spoil any surprise they have planned for me or do I continue to go about my morning like it's any other? I quickly decided to go for an early ride...leaving them free to make my mother's day memorable. Returning about 45 minutes later, I expected to enter the kitchen to find my favorite breakfast awaiting, cards and flowers covering the countertops, and my girls anxiously anticipating my arrival. Nope. Alissa was still under the covers, Kinsey was in the office computing away, and Steven was stretched out on the sofa finishing the remnants of his omelete. Unable to hide my disappointment, I started opening kitchen cupboards a little too loudly, grabbed my swiffer and started cleaning to lessen my hurt. Instantly, my family came alive. I could almost read their minds, "'s mad!" But, I wasn't having any of it. After putting the swiffer stick away just a little too vigorously, I stomped my way to the shower and turned on the stream of water...on the verge of tears. While waiting for the water to heat up, Kinsey approached me from behind with a hug and a darling computer-generated card. The tears started rolling. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a hand decorated envelope on my bed. Alissa had snuck in from her room (she wasn't asleep at all) and placed the poem she composed...just for me...on my pillow. Upon reading and rereading their heart felt sentiments, I broke down. Sobbing uncontrollably, I hugged my girls close and knew that this was the best mommie's day moment ever...because it will forever be burned into my memory...the bad, the mad, and most importantly, the love. It didn't hurt that we followed that entire morning scene with an early lunch at one of my fave's, Dolly's, and canoeing on the Estero River. (A hidden the way!)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rewind mommie's day
It really didn't start out the way I envisioned it in my head. Quite the opposite in fact. I awoke to a silent house and started my typical routine....tidying the kitchen from the day before while weighing my options. Do I wake my family and spoil any surprise they have planned for me or do I continue to go about my morning like it's any other? I quickly decided to go for an early ride...leaving them free to make my mother's day memorable. Returning about 45 minutes later, I expected to enter the kitchen to find my favorite breakfast awaiting, cards and flowers covering the countertops, and my girls anxiously anticipating my arrival. Nope. Alissa was still under the covers, Kinsey was in the office computing away, and Steven was stretched out on the sofa finishing the remnants of his omelete. Unable to hide my disappointment, I started opening kitchen cupboards a little too loudly, grabbed my swiffer and started cleaning to lessen my hurt. Instantly, my family came alive. I could almost read their minds, "'s mad!" But, I wasn't having any of it. After putting the swiffer stick away just a little too vigorously, I stomped my way to the shower and turned on the stream of water...on the verge of tears. While waiting for the water to heat up, Kinsey approached me from behind with a hug and a darling computer-generated card. The tears started rolling. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a hand decorated envelope on my bed. Alissa had snuck in from her room (she wasn't asleep at all) and placed the poem she composed...just for me...on my pillow. Upon reading and rereading their heart felt sentiments, I broke down. Sobbing uncontrollably, I hugged my girls close and knew that this was the best mommie's day moment ever...because it will forever be burned into my memory...the bad, the mad, and most importantly, the love. It didn't hurt that we followed that entire morning scene with an early lunch at one of my fave's, Dolly's, and canoeing on the Estero River. (A hidden the way!)