Of laughing so hard that I thought my cheeks might fall off.
Of quiet moments that required no words what-so-ever.
Of loving my girl so much that I could barely stand it.
When the decision was made that my oldest and I would travel north as a two-some...I was torn. On the one hand, I felt just awful knowing we would be leaving Steven alone for both Daddy's Day and his birthday...even though he insisted. This year has been one that hasn't allotted him much time off and he didn't want us to wait around town for him.
And, on the flip side, Kinsey was travelling overseas to both Rome and Greece during those same dates making our decision a bit easier. She wouldn't feel like she was missing out somehow because she had her own amazing journey ahead of her.
Add those facts to the bittersweet realization that our chances for successfully completing just such an adventure will become more and more challeging...so, I seized the opportunity.
And I adored every single moment...especially the "Glee" giggles, secret "knowing" glances and how she would repeatedly reach for my hand time and time again. We are cut from the same cloth...she and I. We love nature and solitude and finding meaning in the simple sights that surround us. During that week and a half my respect, love and admiration for this magnificent young woman grew ten-fold. And knowing how full my heart is already, I didn't think that was possible.