Just the other night when he had a softball game in less than twenty minutes (and if you know him...you know he hates being late more than ANYTHING...he thinks it's rude)this man of ours heard and satisfied the request, "Dad, can I have one of your special grilled cheese sandwiches?" with a "sure, babe...two slices or three?"
And when one of the girls mentioned that she was craving cupcakes he quietly rummaged around the cupboard and started whipping up a batch. "But dad, we don't have any canned frosting!" To which he replied..."it won't take but a minute to whip up some of my own." And when he was finished the cupcakes were arranged lovingly on a serving tray complete with rainbow sprinkles. "I didn't know we had sprinkles!"
But, his homemade popcorn is legendary amongst their friends. He always maintains a supply of his favorite kernels in the freezer for the frequent movie night requests just like the one spoken last night, "Dad, wanna watch a movie tonight. Oh, and can you make your popcorn?" To which he happily complied.
He's never refused. Or even complained a little bit. He does it because he wants to and they will remember that about him...always. Gosh, I love that man.