i've always been a list person. usually i have three lists going at once...a must do tomorrow list...a future home projects list...and a stuff for work list. but the lists never get smaller or i lose the lists or the lists gets too messy and i have to rewrite them three times...the lists are wiping me out! as such, i'm way too busy focusing on the future.
i've always been contemplative. usually i have three or more situations or past events that i'm busy examining...did i spend enough time with my daughters last week...i sure hope i didn't hurt my girlfriend's feelings at lunch yesterday...is steven feeling appreciated for his efforts...rehashing those moments over and over again from every possible angle...the thinking exhausts me sometimes! as such, i'm way too consumed with events that are already in the past.
so, i'm trying something new for me. i'm going to make a conscious effort to live in the present. to fully engage when i'm with my girls and others. to attend to my husband, family and friends the best way possible by being present...not far away in either the past or the future. Living in the NOW! I can do it.
(presently, i'm enjoying the collage alissa and i put together yesterday for her wall...isn't it beautiful? most of the pictures we took...at her favorite beach.)