The moment our three-year old baby girl first discovered her newest teddy bear under the Christmas tree that magical morning...she was smitten. Interestingly, like most little girls her age, Kinsey was no stranger to stuffed toys and dolls. In fact, her toy chest and closet were crammed with a variety of stuffed animals...including other adorable teddies. But something about this little bear seemed to entrance her. I can still see her chubby little fingers stroking his then soft, plush fur. I can still hear her itty bitty voice announce his name proudly. Instantly, Raspberry and Kinsey were bonded to one another and were utterly inseparable. Oh, how she loved that little bear.
This love affair has lasted nearly a decade. Sure, she doesn't cart him around to sleepovers with her girlfriends anymore. And she no longer holds him in her lap while watching her favorite cartoons. But, he still sits as a sentinel in her room each night while she sleeps...keeping her safe. And he's a part of her sweet and special heart...always...and that's as real as it gets.