But today..it sucks. I now have to squint to read fine print...but do NOT expect to find me in the drugstore buying those ridiculous reading glasses that fold into themselves...I'll take the wrinkles instead! My skin has decided to take on the resemblance of a sickly giraffe...complete with extra hair and spots! My uterus (sorry if any men are reading this) has chosen to revolt against me...I'm literally to the point where I might just rip it out myself! I need to wear a goofy looking brace to support my weakened pre-arthritic wrist...or walking the stupid dog is excruciating!
Today I feel like I'm falling apart one organ system at a time. I have already met my insurance deductible for the year and it's not even half over! Okay...I'm done...wisdom is kicking in again. Ahhh...I feel better already.
"Age is a high price to pay for maturity." ~Tom Stoppard