High school isn't always easy. For many, myself included, it is a LESS than positive experience. Maybe that's why I am soooo glad her first year is behind her. What's more, she survived...relatively unscathed. She even flourished in many ways. (Her mother, on the other hand, is still recovering.)
To be completely honest, there were far more smiles and moments of sheer joy than tears of sorrow or times of frustration. Sure, she detested leaving the house each morning promptly at 6:45 a.m. for her car pool...she will NEVER be a morning person! And she discovered that some teenage girls are just as petty and cliquey in high school as in middle school.
But with unbelievable pride filling my heart over and over again, I knew a confident young woman was emerging when I witnessed how she handled the difficult times. The way she demonstrated leadership and grace when representing her classmates as a student council senator...even though she would have preferred to hold an office. The way she astutely recognized valued traits in her peers and then sought out their friendship...while working hard to remain polite and kind to others that didn't meet her expectations. The way she valiantly maintained her dignity when her heart was unexpectedly saddened...and refused to lose a great friend. The way she selflessly volunteered her time and ideas to various clubs...each and every week...without complaint...even when club numbers dwindled and friends dropped out. The way she generously supported her buddies during countless sporting events or throughout a personal crisis...even when her efforts went unnoticed or unappreciated...because she realized it was the right thing to do.
As a parent...we know that it sometimes takes a bit of angst and strife in order to grow and change for the better. But as a protector who hates to see her beloved daughter struggle for any reason and has a knee jerk reaction to generally rush to rescue her whether she wants my assistance or not...it has been a year of tremendous growth...for both of us. It truly was a pretty great year.