Friday, September 11, 2009
I know that she's already in agony. She tries to hide pretend it's not really there. She doesn't share the hurt and confusion often. It's simply too much. Because behind the bright green eyes and effervesent laughter...her tears are only a blink away. Barely beneath the surface...I can see it. Her pain. The type of pain that cuts her heart out...knowing that her brown-eyed boy will soon have to face loss and pain and sadness...and she can't shield him. Knowing the turmoil she has faced over these past several years and the bottomless love she feels towards her babies makes me want to just wish this all away all the more. But, she has to witness it firsthand. She might even be blamed for it. I'm wishing I could take away her worry. I'm wishing I could somehow wave that magical wand and change the crappy circumstances that her son will soon experience. I'm trying to cover them both with my prayers. I'm wishing she turns to me or Him or anyone who can help them through this. I'm wishing.