Sunday, February 22, 2009

An afternoon with my baby girl...

I really, really, really wanted to go to the art show. But not enough to go it alone. And Steven was overwhelmed with yard work. And Kinsey was valiantly attempting to reduce her " Wii fit" age via yoga poses and balance games! So, as a last resort, I texted Alissa. As expected, she was having a blast hanging out with her friends and didn't want to abandon them for an afternoon browsing art. So, reluctantly, I gave up on the idea and settled into some overdue projects around the house. Then, while folding my third load of towels, Kinsey snuck up behind me (a very Kinsey thing to do) and said simply, "I'll go mom." And off we went. It was superb!

In honor of my baby girl, I am showing her favorite art pieces. As you can see, they were udderly awesome!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

...and it's only February!

The Smith calendar is practically booked for summer vacation (at least June and July)...and it's only February!

A quick rundown of the event's scheduled thus far:
June 7th...beach volleyball tournament in Hollywood Beach
June 8th through the 22nd...driver's education for Alissa
June 15th...beach volleyball tournament in Ft. Lauderdale
June 16th through the 21st...Kinsey's trip to Southwind with Wyldlife
June 17th...Kinsey's 13th birthday extravaganza
June 22nd...Steven's birthday/beach volleyball tournament in Delray Beach
June 29th...Alissa's 16th birthday celebration
July 2nd...foreign exchange student arrives from either Spain, Russia or Thailand
July 10th...Alissa gets her driver's license
July 11th through the 19th...Alissa's trip to Windy Gap with Younglife
July 20th...beach volleyball tournament in Delray Beach
July 22nd through the 25th...volleyball team camp
July trip to Michigan

Although I truly reconize and value living in the moment...with so much fun and excitement planned, I can hardly wait for summer!

Friday, February 20, 2009

nothin' like em!

"Miracles in velvet mittens;
Tumbled here,
A pile of kittens."

Monday, February 16, 2009

f is for...

flowers...each and every one of them.

"Earth laughs in flowers." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I need as many laughs as I can muster right now. Somehow their soft and fragrant petals remind me that happiness and brighter days are just around the corner.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Sometimes I get a little urge...and that little urge turns into a bigger nudge...and that little nudge turns into a full-fledged plan...and poor Steve just sighs, pulls out his wallet (along with the hair that he has left!) and lets me have my way. Boy, do I love this man for indulging me...even if he grumbles to himself every step the way...and those grumbles turn into louder gripes...and those gripes become boisterous complaints...I can now rest easy until another urge strikes!

This weekend I asked him to switch out all of the guest room furniture, replace Alissa's bed with the guest room bed, and reorganize the guest room into a media room mecca where all the teens would come to hang out! ( urges usually have good intentions!)

I owe him big time!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I have created a new that captures the feeling I seem to get most Friday afternoons after another busy week of work, crammed schedules and stress is finally behind me. Let me explain. For whatever reason, I love (and need) to just hide away for two to three hours every Friday afternoon...ignoring the phone, curling up on my bed and losing myself in bad t.v. Steven (bless him!) usually takes the reins each Friday afternoon making sure the girls are fed and transported to where ever their plans take them. Yup...Fribernation!

Monday, February 2, 2009

d is for...

I'm so excited to start A-Z Monday! Thanks to my forever friend for the inspiration!

Without further goes:

D is for Dustpan.

I love my dustpan. No, really...I do. I love when someone breaks a glass in the kitchen or drops some potato chip crumbs onto the floor so that I can rush to the garage to retrieve my handy-dandy dustpan. For whatever reason, I really, really enjoy cleaning up these little messes and confining them to the blue collection tray. I know, I know...get a life! But, this simple little task makes me feel happy and satisfied. So, D is definitely for Dustpan!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

On Sunset

I always comes back to sunset.
A bigger presence will forever be found there.
While enjoying the gathering onlookers.
Smiling at the little ones digging.
Witnessing each day's departure.
In awe.
Those few magical minutes hold such promise.


“For yesterday and for all tomorrows, we dance the best we know.” ~Kate Seredy
"I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." ~Steven R. Covey
"Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away..." ~The Beatles