Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hip, Hip, Hurray!

We were so fortunate this school year...partly because we were blessed with the most awesome classroom volunteers...women who were willing each and every week to put up with our craziness...and last minute changes...always offering their help and expertise with absolutely no expectations in return...and we wanted to show them our tremendous gratitude.

Laura, of course, blew them all away with her fabulous photography and techie skills when she created the best dvd ever (which took her over three weeks and countless hours and many a sleepless night)...showing her love and appreciation the best way she knows how!

I wanted to throw the gals a breakfast. Not my area of expertise. In fact, I depend on my hubby to take charge in all cooking situations...he plans the menu...I shop for supplies. I make sure the house ready...he does ALL of the food prep and cooking. Not this time. It was all me! He offered...I refused. I wanted to show my love and sincere thanks all by myself. In fact, Steven left to go out of town so I couldn't even ask for his help!

Well, I'm thrilled to report that I only forgot only one ingredient ( that important?)in my p.b. & j. muffins...but happily the blueberry coffee cake was truly divine! I really never thought I would get so much pleasure myself out of this little shindig.

By the way...check out our cute little volunteer gifts from tiles turned into adorable pendants!!! So darling!!!

"Cooking is like should be entered into with abandon or not at all." ~Harriet Van Horne