each of the above adjectives accurately describe my kinsey...but she is so much more than a collection of letters. right now we are in the midst of redecorating her bedroom (cow/elvis theme) and having a blast doing so. the planning sessions (more like my attempts to talk her out of black and white spotted walls) have lent themselves to some wonderful time spent together...okay, i admit from time to time i am pulling my hair out...but i have to pass along just one kinsey pearl of wisdom. after our third trip to target to collect stuff for her room we passed a young man in our neigborhood riding his bike...an eighth grader. she revealed that this boy, although a pain in her butt, has stated his parents have given up on him and his education. this seemed to bother her. i expressed my sadness for his feelings and then asked...aren't you glad that your parents care about your education? she shrugged her consent...but i couldn't leave it at that...so i went on to say...having a good education is important so that you can have a nice, comfortable place to live and you wouldn't have to live in a trailer park or a some yucky, run-down place...she looked me dead-on and said...i guess...but even if i had to live there i would still be the same person...i'd still be me. you go, girl.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”-Dr. Suess