“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.”-Jonathan Larson OR
“To regret something is to hang yourself with your own noose. Mental suicide.”-Anonymous
Then, the clouds parted and this little nugget appeared before my eyes...
“Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.” -Oscar Wilde
Initially, I was planning on jumping on the idealist bandwagon and appear quite well adjusted, self-actualized, yadda, yadda, yadda. But then when I delved a little deeper I knew that I needed to let my inner pessimist (which I do limit to only 10% these days...progress!) have some input into what I really think...it goes something like this.
I have very, very few regrets. But I do have a few. Do they torture me at night? No. Do they pop into my brain at the strangest of moments? Sometimes. Do they help me to be a better person? Absolutely.
I regret that past experiences can diminish my initial trust in others.
I regret that I often tried to only please others and in doing so lost myself.
I regret that when I removed toxic people from my life I should have done it in a more upfront and honest way.
But most of all I regret that I picked up the clippers and applied them to Little Man's delicate frame because now he looks like roadkill.