It mocks me. (Why don't you jump on for just a few miles, fat ass! And you have a double chin too!)
It shames me. (You spent all of this hard-earned cash and now you're letting me collect you think money grows on trees? You do know there are starving children in Ethiopia, right?)
It challenges me. (100 mile century...piece of cake. Now lets see you do it all climbing uphill...while blindfolded.)
It frees me. (You could tour Europe next summer with your husband and kids...think of the amazing experiences you could have together! Okay, so leave the kids at home...I hate whining...sorry girls!)
It inspires me. (Remember the $4,500 you raised for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ride in Lake Tahoe? That was two years ago! There's an MS ride in May! Think outside of yourself...don't be so selfish!)
I love my bike. I hate my bike. Mostly, I love it.