We were walking hand in hand when we rounded the corner to find Uncle Ron outside attaching a birthday balloon to his mailbox. Of course we paused to say hello, ask about his Saturday and were shocked to learn that his son-in-law...Steven's cousin-in-law...was scheduled for open heart surgery on Thursday. During a routine physical a few days earlier, his family physician found something she didn't like...at all...an abdominal aortic aneurysm. In layman's terms he has a weak wall in the vessel that leads away from his heart. He must get this repaired immediately because if it bursts he couldn't get to the hospital quickly enough. Keep in mind this a pretty young guy (early forties) who has always taken care of himself with three young boys and a wife he has loved since they met in college back at Western Michigan. On Wednesday he will be going to the hospital for a catheterization to look for any other problems or blockages and surgery will commence on Thursday. Please, please, please on Wednesday and Thursday go to that place where you feel closest to God and pray for him...his boys...and his wife, Lisa.
“Pray, and let God worry”-Martin Luther King