So, I always thought the experience of sisterhood would be one that would remain an impossibility for me. Until Laura. She is the closest person to a sister that I will ever have the privilege of having. There are some people that you just know will be a part of your life share the joys and disappointments, remind you when you're being crazy and out of line, or simply to reminisce with about all of your inside jokes and shared experiences. I know her secrets and she knows mine. What makes our friendship so special to me is that it is by choice.
Even though we are polar opposites in many ways..together we find balance. She's hysterical and quick-witted while I usually think of something really funny ten minutes too late. She's a fantastic listener and I tend to interrupt. Her overflowing heart is visible to everyone who knows her but you need to read between the lines sometimes to understand my feelings toward others. Her head is the size of a peanut and mine's walnut-sized. Her unabashed exuberance and passion for life are contagious and I have a habit to hold back in order to get a sense of the situation before sharing. She's peas and I'm carrots.
It just's even dysfunctional sometimes...just like birth sisters! In my humble opinion I'm just as lucky as all of you who have siblings by birth because I have my own special "soul" sister...a sister from the heart.
“Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”-Aristotle