On more than one occasion I have stated to those close to me that I believe God gives us our children to teach us more about ourselves...our gifts as well as our flaws. We simply have to be open and willing to accept these enlightening lessons whenever they come along. As my children grow older and are granted more independence and responsibility, the nature of our relationship changes and evolves and the lessons become more and more profound.
For example, my oldest daugther and I share so many traits...some great...many not so great. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She is incredibly stubborn. She desperately wants to be accepted but needs to maintain her individuality. She reacts first and thinks later. I just get her. Because of our many similarities...I often project my feelings onto her...which is extremely unfair. As a result, I'm learning self-control, understanding and patience on a daily basis...because I love her unconditionally.
On the other hand, my youngest daughter is more mysterious to me. She laughs when she's nervous. She is unbelievably blunt. She hates serious movies. She doesn't care if she's popular. She is an Elvis fanatic. I don't always get her. Because of our many differences...I often project my feelings onto her...which is intensely unjust (notice a pattern?). Because I love her so desperately, I am learning tolerance, compassion and patience every single day.
What lessons will the future bring? My daughters will let me know.