Thinking of my youngest child has always brought an immediate smile to my face. However, she has always been a bit of an enigma to me as well. I'm always trying to peek into her private sanctum but she usually keeps the door shut tight. This week I have been given a gift. She's letting me in...there's a visible crack in the door and I'm thrilled to be able to peer inside of the magical world that is Kinsey.
Because she cannot suppress a smile. Because she loves practical jokes. Because she is fiercely private. Because she is a creature of habit. Because she is a pack rat. Because she is unbelievably sensitive. Because she doesn't like anyone to see her sad. Because she saves her tears for her Daddy. Because she is a dog and baby magnet. Because she is a bath products addict. Because she marches to the beat of her own drum. Because she is my ninner.
These amazing glimpses have presented themselves in the most mundane of situations...over a game of Life (she is a merciless cheat who makes no apologies)...while enjoying lunch together at her favorite restaurant, "Moe's" (two power wagons with ground beef ONLY)...while blow drying Little Man's "fro" after they have soaked together in the tub for hours (after which she proudly announced he received both a shampoo and conditioning)...these moments and so many more have made me intensely grateful. I'm grateful for the little girl she is and the young woman I know she will be. I just love her.